Listed below are the Vital Records contained in the Mason County Record Room.

BIRTH RECORDS – Dating back to 1853

DEATH RECORDS – Dating back to 1853

MARRIAGE RECORDS – Dating back to 1806

DEEDS – Dating back to 1804


To obtain a copy of Birth, Death, or a
Marriage Certificate Click Below:

To Obtain a Copy of Birth, Death, or Marriage Certificate

To make any correction to Birth or Death Record

Marriage Application/License

Health Statistics Center

To obtain a copy of Birth, Death, or a Marriage Certificate by Mail:

To obtain a copy of a certificate by mail complete the Certificate Request Application and attach a photo identification.

Enclose $5.00 per certificate requested and a self addressed stamped envelope for the return of the requested certificates. We accept personal check or money order.

Make checks payable to:
Diana N. Cromley, Mason County Clerk.

To obtain a copy in person bring $5.00 per certificate requested (cash, personal check, or money order) and a valid photo ID (STATE ISSUED DRIVER’S LICENSE OR ID CARD). If you are a legal guardian of a child under the age of 18 bring court documents along with your photo ID.